We welcome your input regarding fun and creative ways to promote your business or organization.
Here’s a little information about us…..ABD Promotions wants to set the pace for fun, creative, marketing ideas to spread the word about the products and services your company offers. We’ve researched both traditional and social marketing to see what is working. Through books like “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” by David Meerman Scott, we know you are what you publish! So many people loved what he published in bits on his blog that he was later approached to publish in a traditional “physical” book format. Also looking through “The Social Media Bible” by Safro and Brake, we are learning about Tactics, Tools and Strategies for Business Success. We continue to research through great social marketing books such as these two but what we really want is to hear from you!
What do you think works?
Why are certain ads and campaigns catchier than others?
Living, learning and then taking action seems to be the way to go. Let it out there and hopefully, you can get feedback about what worked and what didn’t. Surprisingly enough, as marketing now goes directly to the consumers/clients, people are looking for a thoughtful response from a living, breathing human being, someone with credibility, a critical thinker, a problem solver who also, by the way – wants to have fun doing their everyday job!