Written By: Cheryl Ellemberg, www.abdpromotions.com, www.ABDwebsiteDesign.com
Social Media means several things to small businesses.
- It is a way to Build Relationships
- It allows for Communication and Conversation.
- Using certain platforms allows for real-time feedback about products and services.
- It means Actively Participating with your customers.
- It is about Engaging your audience.
Regardless of which platforms you use: Twitter , Linked In , YouTube, Facebook ABD , Facebook GPP, Foursquare, Google+?
You can share your vision, expertise, influence, and networking abilities.
If you have something to offer, social media allows for you to begin a following for your targeted audience. As a small business owner, it can seem quite overwhelming to include yet more on your “To DO” list. Certainly, social media allows for a great return on your investment….. just like saving a little bit of your money every day builds to some big later on. It’s great to at least learn the fundamentals of how social media helps small businesses. Then you can decide if you want to do it yourself or hire a social media coach. Start small but Start!