Businesses within a specific geographic area have thrived for centuries just on the basis on wanting to support the people you know, the people you live near, the people you value most. As times have changed, we become engaged with our neighbors and neighboring businesses not only by seeing people in person but now, through technology: the internet, social media, phoning and texting. We have branched out and our geographic catchment area is now the world. As businesses brand themselves and have an online presence, this engagement is important to hone in on through one place, usually your business website.
Today’s most successful businesses are those that engage with their customers. This doesn’t mean you have to be a social media guru overnight. It just takes the basic principle of being involved, being engaged with your customers who very well could be your neighbors too.
In a successful small city or town, this happens often. Not only is it a city that gives time, resources and energy to nonprofits, charities, foundations, and public agencies, it also support our local businesses. Your business can be a great asset in your small city or through technology, anywhere in the world. The main focus, however, continues to be engagement. Are you available to help your customers? Are you listening when they tell you their problems? Do you have the expertise and the skills to be able to assist? if not, do you know who can help them? Being an engaged business owner makes all the difference in continued success over time.