Many small business owners can classify themselves in categories: visionary, leader, manager, technology guru, website developer, business ninja, etc. but when you are the owner, you have to be a master of different skill sets, including all of those aforementioned. As the small business owner, when you create, it’s sometimes hard to finish. When you build and have success, maintenance along with continued innovation and creativity becomes the challenge. How do you make your business grow? Innovate from start to finish.
Whether its a project or an entire business philosophy, it’s important to know your individual strengths so you know who to surround yourself with those who can complete the package. For instance, if one partner is the visionary and has the uncanny ability to start new things, an innovator….. perhaps this person would serve the company best with someone who believes in the idea(s) and can maintain growth over time and complete projects. This way, the “Innovator” continues to do what s/he does best and the “Finisher” does what s/he does best. This can come in the form of individuals, partners, colleagues, etc.
When individual strengths are recognized, combined with with those who have compatible strengths, the business has a more stable foundation. You build strong individuals working together as a strong team, problem-solving all along the way. This is true innovation from start to finish. From time to time, trying a different role helps change things up but may or may not work, depending on each individual’s ability and willingness to adapt.