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Ten SEO Link Building Strategies
Link building is one of the most important aspects of search engine optimization because quality links create a positive link popularity for your website or blog. Increasing the link popularity of your website will help increase your page rank resulting in higher ranks in the search engines for your targeted keywords. Conducting SEO link building campaigns will result in higher volumes of traffic to your website. In simple terms this will help you increase the number of conversions you or your business makes working out to increased profits. More traffic can also mean for all you bloggers out there, that you can now charge your advertisers more to rent ad slots on your blog.
The ten strategies commonly used by experts in the field like YEAH! Local to build successful SEO link building campaigns are:
1. Write quality articles – write quality articles that other websites will want to post on their websites and link to. The higher the quality of the article, the more one-way links you’ll get. The best articles to write are ‘how-to’ and informational articles. Stay away from self-promotion.
2. Start a WordPress blog – setup a WordPress blog on your website and post articles to it once per week. It’s a great way to build the size of your website, keep your website content fresh and get incoming links. Plus Google loves WordPress!
3. Syndicate your articles online – take the articles that you’ve posted to your blog and syndicate them on article directories such as Ezine Articles and Go Articles, so that other website owners can post them on their websites.
4. Submit your website to online directories – submit your website to free SEO friendly website directories for a quick way to start building one-way links to your website.
5. Submit your blog to blog directories – use RSS Submit software to submit your blog to blog directories. Use both the automatic and manual submission tools.
6. Exchange links with relevant websites – exchange links with high quality, relevant websites in your field. This can be extremely powerful, as long as you are very selective with whom you exchange links with.
7. Use social bookmarking – submit your blog posts and other high value content to social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Reddit and StumbleUpon. Aside from the one-way link you’ll get and the (short-term) top Google ranking, you can hit the ‘jackpot’ by getting to the first page of, where you’ll receive thousands of one-way links.
8. Syndicate press releases online – write newsworthy press releases and syndicate them online at press release syndication sites such as PRWeb. If the release is good enough, you can get a lot of one-way links to your site.
9. Post comments on industry blogs – post high value comments on other blogs in your industry to spark discussion(ie. Internet Marketing). Even if the comments are ‘nofollowed’, you can still get links to your site from other bloggers that refer to your posts.
10. Link between your web pages – use contextual links in your website copy to link to other pages within your websites. Each of your pages should have some PageRank, so why not maximize it?
Conducting these 10 SEO Link Building strategies will help you increase your search engine visibility and increase your traffic.